Word Power Made Easy [Note]

不是用中文去注解英语,而是用英文去注解英语。所以语汇之间是有联系的,有联系更利于应用。 这是一本实用的书,目的在于增加你的对词汇量,以此来提高你的表达、理解等等。 提高词汇不是去死记硬背,而是学习新知识。词汇是表达他们的符号。"powerful urge to learn. " 开始给出调查和数据。分析小孩,成年人,大学生词汇量的差异,词汇量对成功的影响。总之,就是对比之后,让你想要提高词汇量。不然你干嘛继续看下去呢? 然后开始给出方法,三周时间即见效果,一周一个疗程啊~

That the average adult vocabulary is 50,000 words—one-fourth the size of the vocabulary of a college sophomore, only one-and-one-half times as large as the vocabulary of a ten-year-old.
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 123-125

The final answer seems to be that words are the instruments by means of which men and women grasp the thoughts of others and with which they do much of their own thinking. They are the tools of thought.”
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 223-224

immediately—and within a few days you can be cruising along at such a rapid rate that there will be an actual change in your thinking, in your ability to express your thoughts, and in your powers of understanding.
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 240-242

there will be an actual change in your thinking, in your ability to express your thoughts, and in your powers of understanding.
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 241-242

What it means—what it can only mean—is becoming acquainted with the multitudinous and fascinating phenomena of human existence for which words are, obviously, only the
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 254-255

What it means—what it can only mean—is becoming acquainted with the multitudinous and fascinating phenomena of human existence for which words are, obviously, only the verbal descriptions.
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 254-255

Will have a discernible effect on your methods of thinking—on your store of information—on your ability to express your ideas—on your understanding of human problems.
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 258-259

considerably less self-conscious method. Your method was the essence of simplicity: day in and day out you kept learning; you kept squeezing every possible ounce of learning out of every waking moment; you were an eternal question box, for you had a constant and insatiable desire to know and understand.
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 275-278

Your method was the essence of simplicity: day in and day out you kept learning; you kept squeezing every possible ounce of learning out of every waking moment; you were an eternal question box, for you had a constant and insatiable desire to know and understand.
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 276-278

The person who can recapture “the powerful urge to learn” with which he was born can go on increasing his vocabulary at a prodigious rate— No matter what his present age.
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 298-300

Notes: 1) powerful

Not the urge to learn “words”—words are only symbols of ideas. But the urge to learn facts, theories, concepts, information, knowledge, understanding—call it what you will.
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 325-326

Words are the symbols of knowledge, the keys to accurate thinking.
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 327-327

get you started building your vocabulary at a comparatively prodigious rate by helping you regain the intellectual atmosphere, the keen, insatiable, curiosity, the “powerful urge to learn” of your childhood.
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 335-337

The organization of the book is based on two simple principles: 1) words are the verbal symbols of ideas, and 2) the more ideas someone is familiar with, the more words he knows.
 Norman Lewis, Word Power Made Easy - The Complete Three-Week Vocabulary Builder, loc. 337-338